The Colorado Building Families Act
During this unsettling time, RESOLVE is happy to share some good news. Effective January 1, 2022, Colorado will provide insurance coverage for infertility treatments, including IVF and fertility preservation.
Yesterday Governor Polis signed The Colorado Building Families Act into law. We applaud the Governor and the Colorado State Legislature for supporting this historic legislation, which makes Colorado the 18th state with an infertility insurance law, the 12th to provide IVF coverage, and the 10th to provide fertility preservation for cancer patients.
RESOLVE is honored to have partnered with the hardworking volunteers of the Colorado Fertility Advocates. Together, we delivered a big win for the Colorado family building community. This new law is the result of grassroots advocacy at its finest — of constituents sharing their stories and demanding action. Thanks also to our national coalition partners, including the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Alliance for Fertility Preservation.
Greater access to care is now a reality in Colorado and sends a powerful message to other states. Please help us continue to fight for access to care for anyone who needs help in building a family. Donate today in honor of this important victory for Colorado families and to support all people challenged in their family building journey.
What Is In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilize them in a fluid medium. The fertilized egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient's uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy. Click here to get a free consultation
How Acupuncture Can Help IVF Succeed?
Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can significantly increase the response and success of all forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, including a 50% increase in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) success rates. Studies have focused on how acupuncture can increase the blood flow in the uterus and ovaries, creating a more suitable and fertile environment for mature follicles to both develop and implant. Additionally, treating the man at the same time will allow him to provide improved sperm samples of higher counts, increased motility, and more regular morphology.
Just 2 MONTHS of stress is enough to damage a man's sperm
Just two months of stress may damage a man's sperm and slash his chances of having children, a new study suggests.
Israeli scientists found men are 47 per cent more likely to have swimmers with weak motility if they are under intense pressure.
Weak motility – known to be affected by lifestyle choices - makes it less likely that the sperm will successfully fertilise an egg.